Please do not be alarmed. You have been led here by your
own curiosity. It is normal to feel strange but please
continue to read on and all will become clear.

We are Grice Menstors from the Planet Protaccilos 4. We have
been visiting your planet for some 53 Earth years now.

During this time we have abducted many thousands of your kind to probe deeply in to the mysteries of Humanity and how
you think, create and destroy.

Until one earth year ago we would land in isolated areas
of your world and take human subjects aboard our ships
to study you at first hand.

We would then drug you afterwards so you would forget the
experience and our study on the Earth would remain as
it was always intended, a secret.

As a people you continue to surprise us and unfortunately
the effects of the mind wipe have become less effective
over the years.

This combined with severe budget cuts to our alien
observation project, have meant that we have
had to redefine the way we study you.

The Internet has become global and is used by so many
humans that we thought it would be the ideal
environment to study as many of your kind whilst
we can remain outside the atmosphere of the Earth.

We have set up this web page and mind wiped the weak
individual that has built the rest of the pages.
We then program in to him the details and structure
and he connects up his web site with ours.

At no point does he realize this has happened so
our secret is safe. This also allows us the
chance to study countless thousands within a time
scale that previously we could only assess a dozen
or so human subjects.

The 'Don't Panic' banner at the top of the page as
well as calming you is also the mind probe that
has been scanning you whilst you have been reading
the text on this page.

All the data is freely available to you. Just click on
the brain below and our onboard computer will relay
the results to you at the normal speed of your Modem.

Each scan will transmit the data as you would see a normal
web page. The scans range in size from 58Kb up to a
maximum of 110KB. Please be aware that the information
that we have scanned from you will in no way be used
by or passed on to other Alien Species.

When you have finished you may leave at any time as the
various scans are almost instantaneous. Even if you
exit this web page, the scan results will already
have been stored on the data base aboard our craft.

We would like to thank you Human, you have helped us to
better understand your race and contributed to a filed
data core that still continues to surprise us.

Eye ScanLiterary SkillsHeart ScanNumber Skills Instinctive Reaction ScanDNA  Analysis