Congratulations Web Surfer, you have been directed
to this page because of your courage and determination
in completing the reading of the entire web site of
'Comedy On The Wall'.

You have achieved 'The Web Warp Surfer' Award.
This is the highest award that can be given to
a web surfer to this web site, well done.

The Certificate below is yours to print out and frame.
Please fill your own name in the middle field and
quote the membership number when required
by an officer of the web site of idris iella.

You have also been granted a Mouse marker for
the duration of your stay here on this page. You
see, you have become quite a celebrity since the
completion of this site. As such, some of the
data content files wish to attach themselves to
your mouse in the hope they can follow you.

Your ability to plough through the pages here
have really risen you to cult status so forgive
the little data balls if they follow you around
this page, you really are something special
to them you know. Just make sure you exit
quickly when the time comes and they will
lose you for sure...I hope!

You may return to this page and reprint out
your certificate if you lose, deface it or it
is stolen (There is a black market for these).