What can you say? Everyone has heard of the
Titanic and its doomed maiden voyage toward
New York. The story some how seems to stay
in our minds more than any other ship sinking
that has ever taken place.

The 1996 Movie by James Cameron certainly
renewed interest in the old story and allowed
myself to download some free screen shots from
the film. Although lots are available, I have
chosen only a few so far to place on this page.

Thinking up amusing text to add to the images
can be difficult but as my wife is a real Titanic
fan, she made it easier for me as I would often
watch the video she has of the film to get
some ideas of what to add!

To find out more about The Titanic Click Here

All Pictures ©www.titanicmovie.com

Please read the legal notice below before using the
Comedy Photos I have adapted and created, thank you.

Legal Notice: All of the images on this page have been
taken from freely available web sites. They remain the
copyright property of the named above. No profit has
been made by showing these images. If you wish to use
these images for other than private use, then you must
seek permission from the above owners as I cannot
condone the unauthorized use of any material you
see on this web page.

If any Copyright infringement has taken place
by showing these pictures, then please e-mail
me at once and they will be removed.