The 'Exercise Your Brain' section of this web site
consists of pages made up of Javascript coding.
I have not created these pages but they are free
to download so download I have!

Some of the Javascript code will include the name
and location of the creator but some may not. For
this reason I have placed ALL the web site locations
where you can find these codes if you wish to use
them your self. The links to these web pages can
be found on: The Thank You Page

You will find that the style and text formatting will
vary from the rest of the site I have created. That
is because these codes are created to be viewed
by as many computers as possible. I have not
tried to change that as I feel the programs are fine
as they are.

Please enjoy these pages and if you have the time,
let me know what you think of them. Are they good
or are they a waste of time? Have fun!